
 * Contains the Pan class.

'use strict';

const { Gesture, Point2D, Smoothable } = require('../core');

 * Data returned when a Pan is recognized.
 * @typedef {Object} PanData
 * @mixes ReturnTypes.BaseData
 * @property {westures-core.Point2D} translation - The change vector from the
 * last emit.
 * @memberof ReturnTypes

 * A Pan is defined as a normal movement in any direction.
 * @extends westures-core.Gesture
 * @see {ReturnTypes.PanData}
 * @see {westures-core.Smoothable}
 * @memberof westures
 * @param {Element} element - The element with which to associate the gesture.
 * @param {Function} handler - The function handler to execute when a gesture
 * is recognized on the associated element.
 * @param {object} [options] - Gesture customization options.
 * @param {westures-core.STATE_KEYS[]} [options.enableKeys=[]] - List of keys
 * which will enable the gesture. The gesture will not be recognized unless one
 * of these keys is pressed while the interaction occurs. If not specified or an
 * empty list, the gesture is treated as though the enable key is always down.
 * @param {westures-core.STATE_KEYS[]} [options.disableKeys=[]] - List of keys
 * which will disable the gesture. The gesture will not be recognized if one of
 * these keys is pressed while the interaction occurs. If not specified or an
 * empty list, the gesture is treated as though the disable key is never down.
 * @param {number} [options.minInputs=1] - The minimum number of pointers that
 * must be active for the gesture to be recognized. Uses >=.
 * @param {number} [options.maxInputs=Number.MAX_VALUE] - The maximum number of
 * pointers that may be active for the gesture to be recognized. Uses <=.
 * @param {boolean} [options.applySmoothing=true] - Whether to apply inertial
 * smoothing for systems with coarse pointers.
class Pan extends Gesture {
  constructor(element, handler, options = {}) {
    super('pan', element, handler, options);

     * The previous point location.
     * @type {westures-core.Point2D}
    this.previous = null;

     * The outgoing data, with optional inertial smoothing.
     * @override
     * @type {westures-core.Smoothable<westures-core.Point2D>}
    this.outgoing = new Smoothable({ ...options, identity: new Point2D() });
    this.outgoing.average = (a, b) => Point2D.centroid([a, b]);

   * Resets the gesture's progress by saving the current centroid of the active
   * inputs. To be called whenever the number of inputs changes.
   * @param {State} state
  restart(state) {
    this.previous = state.centroid;

  start(state) {

  move(state) {
    const translation = state.centroid.minus(this.previous);
    this.previous = state.centroid;
    return { translation: };

  end(state) {

  cancel(state) {

module.exports = Pan;